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3 tips: for using Content Marketing

10 years ago people in the marketing world never would have done a blog, vlog, content marketing, or even video marketing. The reason was simple; it was just a fad for the younger generation to do. Well now almost every business is doing some form of content marketing. The fact is that content marketing has not changed much since it came on the scene. Now it has just become the norm and people and not doing it right or are outsourcing it and having a disconnect. Right now you are reading this blog post that only took around an hour to write by our Founder. Here are some tips to help take back your content marketing in house.

1. Video and/or Blog Content Marketing

Look blogs are kind of old hat to be honest. Videos are now becoming the norm for all content marketing. You can blame vlog style content for this. The one thing that you need to ask yourself or your marketing team is; should we use blog style content or video content. At worse your answer will be one or the other. The best answer you can come up with is both and more. People think today that you only have to do one or the other to start content marketing. Well the truth of the fact is that both are strong and can complement each other.

A blog only content marketing strategy has its ups and downs. A lot of people still read articles and will continue to. It is a great way to get a lot of technical data out or content that may come off a little bit boring in a video format. Blogs used to get a higher search ranking then video content. That is not the same now video and blog content get ranked equally. Except when you take into account that majority of video content is on YouTube which is the second largest search engine.

A video only marketing also has its ups and downs. Less people are actually reading blog posts and in general. People are more now watching videos online then ever before and it will not slow down at anytime. Not only is it younger people watching more video content it is also the older generation. This is because the rise of YouTube and other video sharing websites.

inner geek designs 3 tips for using content marketing

2. Be Authentic

Audiences today can tell when you are not being authentic. It is hard for some businesses to do just this. They worry about trying hard to seem professional and want to not insert any personality. Doing this can actually can hurt your interaction with your audience. The thing is about people who consume content on a daily basis can tell if you are being authentic with your content marketing. So how do you solve this issue? It is a simple either find someone to write your content that has a personality to stand out from the crowd or make up a personality that embraces your companies values and stands out from your competition.

I can hear you now asking; what exactly does it mean to have a personality with your content marketing? Well it means making sure that your content does not seem to be talking down to your audience. Also it means make sure the content does not seem like a monotone is reading off a boring script. You want to make sure people have fun while you teach them about your product, service, or industry.

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3. Be Consistent

The best way to help grow your content marketing is by being consistent. People today expect to have content on a schedule. This is because a lot of YouTube channels and blog websites keep posting all their content on a schedule. That could mean weekly, monthly, daily, 3 days a week, or whatever schedule they have made it is consistent and that is all that matters. You want to make sure that your audience knows when you will have new content and you have to be ready to deliver that.

Consistent also talks about the quality of your post. To make sure that you will gain and retain your target audience you need to make sure that you are producing quality content that produces a large amount of value.

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