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Artist Talk with Flor Arredondo

1. Tell us a little About yourself.

Hi! My name is Flor Arredondo, but I’m mostly known as “Kori Arredondo”, I’m a 20 year old artist, graphic design student and a very occasional animator. I’m constantly looking for self-improvement as an artist and as a human being.

Most of the work I do is Pokémon-related Fan-Art but I am planning to expand the subjects of my work in a near future.

2. Describe your style.

I’m still looking for my own “style” or “styles” , but something I really enjoy seeing are appealing colors and the “traditional art feeling” in digital art. Those are things I try to add to my work.

3. What is your inspiration?

Recently, my energy dose consists of seeing pretty colors or the wonders of nature. I also get a lot of inspiration after seeing other people’s art, there are really amazing artists out there!

4. What do you do when you have creative block?

When I’m not feeling motivated to draw or paint I forget about everything related to art for a while and then I spend time with my family, or I go to see a movie or play video games. After a certain time the inspiration or the desire to try again come back to me.

My art blocks usually don’t last long because I feel bad if I don’t do anything productive on a day.

5. What is your favorite work from another artist?

Back in 2011, when I started to take my art seriously I was in love with the colorful Pokémon Fan-Art of Melanie Herring (also known as “GlitchedPuppet” or “Glip” in the community). In fact, her art was what made me take my art seriously. I do not have a favorite piece in particular, but I would like to thank her for sharing her art and inspiring people with it.

Examples of Flor Arredondo’s Work:

6. What tips would you give to a beginner artist?

Nobody is born taught, and even the best artists have made “mistakes”, but the “mistake” is not when you believe something in your art does not work, the actual mistake is when you stop trying and decide to give up, because if you do this you close any possibility to reach in your goals. Go after your dreams and things that passionate you. With perseverance, dedication, etc., you can accomplish anything you set in your mind. Your only limit is yourself.

Talking about the technical side , there are certain basics and rules in art Try to learn them first and then break them in your own way.

7. What message do you want people to get from your work?

I often try to convey a sense of innocence in the characters I draw/paint. Sometimes people focus on the bad things that happen and may even lose their faith in humanity. I would like to remind them that the good emotions and things that are worth fighting still exist.

8. What makes your style different from everyone else?

Hmm! This is a tough question. Probably that my work has my own way to feel, to see, to think and the things that I enjoy.

Find more of Flor Arredondo’s Work:







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