Streamer Overlays are one of the key parts to any stream. For a streamer who does not use a green screen it is the key design element to a stream that brings their personality to the stream while helping separating them for their game of choice or other content. Event when a streamer chooses to use a green screen a streamer might use an overlay to track elements of their stream.

Overlays can either be simple as a framing tool to something more and track stats like sub count, donations, bit donations, etc. Just like any design element for a streamer it comes down to what kind of streamer are they wanting to have. If the stream is focused on goals and that is established for the community, than trackers are a solid option. For a streamer who is more personality driven the better is to have an overlay that does not have a tracker so it can be more focused on the creator and their content.

Static Overlay vs Animated Overlay

Overlays have the ability to be static image or an animated version. Either option are solid for their respective stream that they work best in. The goal of an animated overlay is to make sure that it is not overwhelming and not to much in the face of the viewer. Subtly is key for overlay animations having a logo spin for a second every 5 to 10 seconds. Or having a light rotate around the frame also helps.

The question becomes is it worth it for the stream or the streamer’s budget. The main deciding factor if it is worth for the stream is what kind of content are they having. Some streams that are more focused on competitive content might not use animation at all or more subtle content than other streamers would.

What comes in a Streamer Overlay Project

Every streamer overlay project from Inner Geek Designs comes with the same parts no matter how many alerts are included. An overlay project with Inner Geek Designs is made to be one of the easiest ways to have custom streamer overlay made. The core thing that a pickup folder for Inner Geek consists of are all sizes you will need to upload.

  • File formats to upload to either OBS, SLOBS, Xpslit
  • Can offer assistance with setting up alerts upon request

FAQ for Streamer Overlay Projects

To start a streamer overlay project for a streamer or content creator there are a few key things to make sure that the project is a success! The more info to start a project is all good information and can speed up the design process of an emote project.

  • What theme is your stream
  • Any specific icon for your alert
  • Are you wanting static or animated
  • what colors are you wanting

To start any project and to mark your spot in the work flow que a minimum 50% deposit is required. Your project will not be started until this happens.

A streamer overlay project can take various different amounts of time. Typically a single alert can be done in 2-4 days. The time of a project also depends on the concept you are looking for and current work flow.

If you are looking for a project sooner you can add a rush fee to your project.

There are some additional fees that can be added to a project based on timing for a project. The one fee that can be added to a project are either a rush fee to your project.

Rush fees: addition of 50% of the entire project.