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How Much does a Logo Cost in 2018

When it comes to pricing out a logo it can be hard to narrow down exactly how much it should cost. There are so many factors that go into pricing a logo. This is why when anyone asks a designer “how much does a logo cost in 2018” they will get a wide range of prices from really too cheap to a logo can cost that much. So instead of asking a Graphic Designer how much does a logo cost you should ask why does your logo design cost what it does.This will make sure that when you are getting quotes for a logo that you are getting as close to an apples to apples comparison.

What are some of the variables that can drive the cost for a logo:

  • Logo design research
  • Logo compositions
  • Project revisions/alterations
  • Client size
  • Length of the project
  • What type of logo

How much does a logo cost in 2018How much does a logo cost in 2018

How much does a logo cost in 2018: logo design research

One of the most important things when it comes to the entire logo design process is the logo design research. This is something that a lot of designers will overlook and will reflect in a lower priced logo but will also reflect in a lower quality product. When it comes to researching a logo a designer needs to understand the market, audience, and business before even designing a logo. If they do not then they are just creating a cool looking graphic but it will not connect with your target market or communicate with your audience. So if a designer does not have this in their price for a logo you might actually paying more than you think even if it is a lower cost.

How much does a logo cost in 2018: logo compositions

Something that a lot of clients might not think takes a lot of time but can eat up a lot of time for a logo design project is compositions. These are more work than most clients think about. Each one can take to a couple hours to possibles a full day. This adds up to a lot of time on the project and lead to a larger price. A lot of designers will give a set amount of compositions in the initial cost and add a fee for more compositions.

How much does a logo cost in 2018: project revisions/alterations

One thing that will always affect the price of a logo is revisions/alterations. Now yes that you are wanting the perfect logo and revisions and alterations are a needed part of the design process. But revisions and alterations can stretch a logo design project to forever. A lot of designers will give a set amount of revisions for their price but then include a fee per revision after and these fees can add up. It is not that designers want you to have your revisions and work out your design. It is more that they want you to think a lot about your revisions by putting a price to them because they can eat up a lot of time.

Watch this video to learn more about how much does a logo cost in 2018

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Iskren

    Great video, a lot of designers need to watch it.

    1. thowarthIG2016

      Thanks I am glad you liked this video!

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