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JMS WEFTEC Party 2019

About JMS WEFTEC Party

Jim Myers & Sons, Inc. (JMS) is a Water and Wastewater equipment Manufacturer based out of Charlotte North Carolina. JMS has specialized in designing and manufacturing water and wastewater treatment equipment in stainless steel for over 50 years. Every year during the WEFTEC event JMS hosts a party for their customers and reps.

About the Project

With JMS hosting an event every year. They need materials for attracting attendees, RSVPing guests, and checking in guests. The party that they host has been hosted for over 25 years, even though it is still a destination for a lot of people it was starting get a little stale over the years and needed a new face lift. For this year’s party they needed a different identity and mix digital and print to help bridge the gap between their age of guests. This included using an easy way to have people sign up from the event and also have them checked in at the door. It also needed to be able to be monitored since this is not an open party and there is a need to keep track of who signs up and who has access to sign up.

All of Inner Geek Designs creative services for this project: Web Design, Logo Design, Print Design

To start off this project it needed to be identified of all elements needed for their project:

  • Logo Design
  • Medallion Design
  • Invite Design (Print and Email)
  • Website Landing Page Design

The goal for this project was to make the WEFTEC party to do this to start was to change the color scheme. Each year the WEFTEC party has a color scheme and this year the envelope was pushed. Typically the color scheme around the party was a standard scheme around blue or grey. For the revamp this year it was chosen to do a neon green and brown. This is to standout but also go back to that JMS works with the environment and it is a fun party to be apart of. This color was used through out the materials even the medallion that is used to keep track of who is at the party and a take home for guests. The logo for the event was designed to be something fun but also show that this a heritage party and has been around for a while. This was a key theme that was threaded throughout the entire party materials. The invites needed to have two different designs one is for a print application that can be sent to reps to sign up and also give to their guests, and a digital invite that can be emailed to select lists. The printed invites where made to fit in someones pocket and not take up to much space while giving someone all of the important content.

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